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Sleep problems and insomnia Psykologvirke

Sleep problems

In this article you will be able to learn more about sleep problems. Including the condition called Insomnia. The text deals with common symptoms, causes and potential solutions. What can you try on your own? When can or should you seek help?

When sex becomes difficult

When sex becomes difficult

In this text, you gain insight into mechanisms that can create problems in your sex life. You will learn more about the meaning of different ignition patterns. Finally, you will get tips on how the couple can reverse a negative sexual cycle.

Queer love psychologist work

Queer love - is it different?

The research shows that it is the same things that are important to the relationship, regardless of orientation or gender identity. The supporting beam is emotional contact, intimacy, commitment, security and room for play and exploration.  

Therapy for young people at Psykologvirke

Therapy for youth

In this text, you will learn why and how we at Psykologvirke meet young people with small and large life challenges.

How to save the relationship - 9 questions

How to save the relationship? 9 questions to ask yourself

TEXT: KRISTIN HARALDSDÒTTIR ASPELUND, psychologist and couples therapist Do you ask yourself the question of how you can save the relationship? An important step is to involve your partner in the uncertainty you feel. Not infrequently, couples come to therapy, where one has gone with the other

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